Mold and Mildew thrive in warm, wet spaces like bathrooms with the most common place being in the shower. Mildew is a surface fungus that is easily identified as a patch of gray or even white fungus. It forms on the surface of moist areas and is easily cleaned using everyday cleaning solutions. Mold on the other hand, is usually black or green and is often the result of a much larger problem.

Shower Construction Failures
Traditional tile showers, when installed properly, are constructed by first pre-sloping the sub floor area towards the shower drain. A waterproofing membrane is installed and clamped into a drain assembly to seal the two parts together. A “mud-bed” made of finely graded sand and cement is installed on top of the waterproofing membrane to form a sloped base for the tile is be installed on. Tile is then installed using thin set to adhere it to the top of the mud bed.Once the tile has time to set up, the shower is finally ready to be grouted.
Mud beds are created using a porous material that is designed to allow water to seep through it. If working correctly, any water that penetrates through the tile should pass through the mud bed and eventually make it back to the drain where it can evacuate through a series of weep holes in the drain’s clamping flange.
Here’s the problem. Many showers are constructed without pre-sloping under the waterproofing membrane, so water sits rather than being diverted to the drain. Even if water makes it to the drain, improper installation techniques and clogged weep holes often render this method useless causing the mud bed to act like a big sponge that never dries out.
Mold in the Mud-Bed
When the mud-bed in your shower is not able to drain, mold can develop behind your tile & grout. No amount of surface cleaning can get rid of mold once it has taken hold within the mud-bed. You will have to consistently clean your tile and grout to keep the surface mold at bay.
The VIM Level Entry Shower System™
The VIM Level Entry Shower System utilizes a pre-sloped pan and topical waterproofing membrane that replaces the traditional mud-bed method in a shower. Tile is applied directly to the waterproofing membrane so any water that penetrates the tile is immediately directed towards the drain. The unique design of our clamping flange ensures that the weep holes will remain open allowing the water to seep back into the drainage system. This insures that the shower will dry completely so mold has no place to thrive.
If you are tired of fighting a never-ending battle against mold and mildew, it might be time to consider a more effective and long-term solution. The VIM Level Entry Shower System gives you a beautiful, durable, easy-to-clean, curbless shower that is resistant to mold and mildew.